Wednesday, April 2, 2014

“Sex Without Love” by Sharon Olds

A poem beyond its time, “Sex without Love” is an artfully written work of art that contrasts between mental and emotional connectivity.  With prostitution being the eldest profession known to man, sex is unquestionably a part of human nature.   Poet Sharon Olds speaks with profundity between the impulsive loveless sex humans are so eagerly attracted to versus making love with your life-partner. She describes the lustful sex as “wet as the / children at birth whose mothers are going to / give them away. How do they come to the / come to the come to the God come to the / still waters, and not love / the one who came there with them, light/ rising slowly as steam off their joined / skin?” 
            Typically, mothers who give their children away have little to no connection with the baby’s father and were conceived out of wedlock.  With today’s sexual liberation and freedom to fornicate outside of marriage without fear of ridicule, these scenarios are becoming more prevalent in our culture.  She describes the orgasm like taking a trip to heaven and questions how one could experience that without loving their partner.  It is especially relevant in today’s society and her perspective should be appreciated.  To minimize the removal of children from their biological parents and families being torn apart, she brings her view into light in hopes of catching the attention of people that so willingly participate in risky loveless sex.